Write for Us – Looking for Siding Guest Posts

Do you own or work for a siding company?

Have you had your siding installed or repaired?

In either case, our readers would like to hear from you!

We are always on the lookout for contractors and customers who are interested in sharing their personal insights and experiences with our readers.

Regardless of whether you had a seamless or nightmarish experience, had your siding installed or replaced, had the work done by a national company or your brother-in-law, you can add something of value to the conversation.

We’d like to hear about any and all of the following details: what company did the work, what you thought of their service, what work they did, how much you paid, etc. Your advice could help someone find that the best contractor – saving them hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

We accept guest post submissions from contractors, but they must be “straight from the horse’s mouth” (written by an installer or the owner).

That said, the easiest way to get published is to do an “interview” with us, which can be conducted via email. This is how it works:

  1. We send you a list of questions about the topic you would like to discuss
  2. You write an answer to each question on your own schedule
  3. The completed interview is published

We will include your email address, website and any photos you provide of your shop and staff on the interview page.

If doing an interview isn’t your thing, another way you can contribute is to join our forum and get involved in the discussions there. Answering people’s questions and helping them with their projects is an effective way to promote your shop and as well as a great way to create good karma. 😉

Content Guidelines

  • Content must be unique
  • Content must be factual and useful to the reader
  • We may edit your submission before it is published
  • We cannot guarantee that your interview will be published
  • Once published, it becomes the property of SidingAuthority.com

We do not publish press releases, sales pitches or poorly written guest posts.

How to Submit a Request

If you’re interested in being interviewed, please let us know using the contact page and include answers to the following in your message:

  • Who are you (company or consumer)?
  • What insight/experience do you have regarding siding?

Thanks in advance if you decide to share your experience!